"Take control of your money or the lack of it will always control you"Lomoni is the easiest way to keep track of your finances and plan for the future. It helps you save money establishing budgets, identify expenses, remember to pay bills and credit cards in the simplest and most practical way.REGISTER YOUR TRANSACTIONS FAST AND EASYLomoni was designed to be used with one hand and in just a few steps. You have more than one way to create records quickly, use the one that best suits you. You will quickly adopt the habit of recording your money inflows and outflows.Create your savings, current, wallet and credit card accounts. Register transfers between accounts with currency conversion, consult or adjust the balance in a few steps.ORGANIZE IN CATEGORIES AND SUBCATEGORIESYou have a predefined catalog of categories and subcategories, modify them, order them to your liking or create many more.QUERYHow much money do I have available and how much do I owe?How much will I have on a certain date,My cash flow per month.Where does my money go or come from?INQUIREKnow your expenses/income behavior per day, week, month, year or rank of dates.CONTROLKeep an eye on the amount remaining to spend in each budget category so you dont go overboard and stick to your plan.DONT FORGET AN INVOICEAvoid late fees, record your bills and due dates to keep track of when your bills are due and Lomoni reminds you in time when payday arrives.FUTURE TRANSACTIONSRecord expenses and income with pending status and they will only affect your account when you decide.THE DATA IS YOURSExport your data to excel or text file.Share the graphs as an image file.MUCH MORE...Accounts receivable, Multi-language, multi-currency with exchange rate update, assisted budget, backups, dark theme, fully functional without internet connection.COMING SOONMore charts, savings and objectives tracking, group expenses by events, tags. translations to more languages.*** PAID VERSION ***-No Ads-All functions without limit